Project Budget
Cash Expenses are anything the sponsoring organization will pay for from any funding sources (not just Jaenike funds). Income is where the money will come from to pay the Cash Expenses: the Jaenike Access grant award, earned income (tickets, etc.), donated money, other grants, money the sponsor made on other events, membership donations, etc. The total of the Cash Expenses should equal the total of the Income unless you plan to make money (so the Income total is more than the total Cash Expenses).
In-kind are things or are services that are donated for the project. Examples: free performance space, volunteered time to perform, donated supplies (theatre set materials, art supplies, etc.) or services (program printing, transport of performers, etc.). If faculty or staff perform or assist with the project their prorated salaries can be shown as an in-kind donation from the department or organization.
(Cash vs. In-Kind: If business “X” donates paint, it is in-kind; OR if business “X” donates money used to buy paint, the paint cost is listed as a Cash Expense and the money for the paint from “X” is listed as Income.)
Questions? Contact Dennis Malak at the Doudna Fine Arts Center, 217.581.8513 or
When possible, please itemize: Example - 3 volunteer ushers @ $5.15/hr. (in-kind); set lumber (cash), etc.
A separate budget sheet may be submitted, but follow this format with these headings and items.