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EIU Office of Internal Auditing

#84 - Intercollegiate Athletic Board

Approved: February 14, 2018

Monitor: President


The Intercollegiate Athletic Board (IAB) shall serve as an advisory board for participation by Eastern Illinois University in intercollegiate sports in accordance with National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) regulations and federal law. 

  1. All substantive actions shown in minutes shall be considered as recommendations to the President.
  2. The President may:

    a. Approve, disapprove, or modify the recommendations.

    b. Refer recommendations back to the IAB as promptly as possible for further study.


The voting membership shall consist of a minimum of six faculty or administrators and four students. (The NCAA Constitution, Article 6, requires that the majority of the Intercollegiate Athletic Board be faculty or administrators.)

  1. Faculty members shall be appointed as follows: In the spring of each year, the Faculty Athletics Representative will make a faculty-wide call for nominations to fill vacant board appointments. The Faculty Athletics Representative, after appropriate consultation with a member of the Faculty Senate nominating committee, and then with the President, shall recommend faculty members for three-year appointments. Recommendations shall be voted upon for final approval by the IAB.
  2. The University President shall appoint one minority faculty/staff member to the IAB to serve a three-year term as a voting member.
  3. Student members shall be appointed as follows:

    a. Two student voting members shall be from the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, preferably one male and one female; and

    b. Two student voting members shall be appointed by the Student Senate and shall serve in accordance with the Student-Faculty provisions.
  4. The NCAA Faculty Representative shall serve as chair of the IAB, and shall vote only in case of a tie. A Vice Chair will be elected during the first meeting of the IAB, and will serve a one-year term. The Vice Chair will serve in the absence of the Chair.
  5. The President, Director of Athletics, Associate Directors of Athletics, Senior Woman Administrator, Director of Compliance, and Director of Academic Support Service for Student Athletes shall serve as ex-officio members.
  6. All other ex-officio members shall be as designated in the Student-Faculty Board provisions.
  7. The secretary of the IAB will be designated by the Chair.
  8. The minimum quorum shall be three faculty members and one student member.


  1. The IAB shall review the budget for the intercollegiate athletics program that is submitted by the Director of Athletics at least once a semester.
  2. The submitted budget should be detailed and include anticipated income from all sources and project expenditures.
  3. The IAB shall review the end of the year budget at its first meeting of the academic year or by September 30th.
  4. The IAB shall be informed of intercollegiate schedules and missed class time.
  5. The IAB shall review/approve all achievement awards (i.e., letters, jackets, etc.) and their costs.
  6. The Chair shall keep the Faculty and Student Senates informed of the IAB's activities by sending minutes of meetings.
  7. The Chair shall request that the Faculty Senate replace any IAB faculty member who misses three consecutive meetings with an alternative. The Chair will issue a written warning to any IAB faculty member who misses two consecutive meetings.
  8. The Chair shall request that the Student Senate and/or the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee replace and IAB student member who misses three consecutive meetings with an alternate. The Chair will issue a written written warning to any IAB student member who misses two consecutive meetings.


  1. Institutional Control Committee

    Responsibilities include governance and commitment to rules compliance, commitment to equity, and fiscal integrity.
  2. Student-Athlete Experience Committee

    Responsibilities include academic integrity and commitment to equity.

Operational Procedures

The IAB and its committees shall operate as outlined in their approved Bylaws.

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