Approved: March 6, 2017
Monitor: Vice President for Student Affairs
To apportion the General portion of the Student Activity Fees to eligible University-funded activities on an equitable basis and to provide general supervision of all expenditures of student activity funds.
The Apportionment Board membership shall total thirteen and consist of nine voting student members, and four non-voting ex-officio members. The Student Body Student Affairs Vice President shall be chair of the Apportionment Board. A vice chair shall be appointed by the chair from the Board membership. The vice chair must be confirmed by two-thirds of the Board membership.
The term of appointment for voting members is two years and will terminate following the second annual budgeting session.
The following shall serve as non-voting ex-officio members of the Apportionment Board:
The Apportionment Board shall have jurisdiction over the following funds, in accordance with the policy governing Student Activity Fees:
A quorum shall consist of seven voting members of the Board.
Meetings shall be called by the Apportionment Board chair when deemed necessary and shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised except when in conflict with these Bylaws.
Any supplemental policies or actions by the Apportionment Board may be effected by a simple majority vote of the Apportionment Board with approval of the Student Senate, the Vice President for Student Affairs and the President of the University.