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EIU Office of Internal Auditing

#80 - Student Senate

Approved: August 7, 1996

Monitor: Vice President for Student Affairs

The Student Senate constitutes the representative governing body of all Eastern Illinois University students and assumes responsibility in the affairs of the University consistent with the purposes stated in the Student Senate Constitution.

The Director, Student Life, is charged with responsibility for furnishing leadership in determining University policies and regulations covering students and extracurricular activities and serves as the administrative advisor to the Student Senate. The Director, Student Life, assists in the work of the Senate by serving as a consultant and resource person, by acting as the liaison officer between the administration and the students, and by interpreting institutional policy when necessary.

In its effort to fulfill the purposes expressed in its constitution, the Student Senate shall make recommendations on University policy and procedure matters to the Director, Student Life. Matters which are not the direct concern of the Office of Student Life will be referred to the proper administrative office or official by the Director, Student Life.

The Student Senate shall be responsible for appointing and dismissing student representatives on all student-faculty boards and committees, subject to regulations and procedures developed by the Student Senate and approved by the Director, Student Life.

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