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EIU Office of Internal Auditing

#65 - Student Withdrawal

Approved: September 28, 2009

Monitor: Vice President for Academic Affairs


The Registrar will establish procedures for withdrawing from a course or the University.

Withdrawal From A Course

During a Fall or Spring Semester, a student may withdraw from a course on or before the tenth class day, and the course will be dropped from the student record with no grade assigned.

From the eleventh class day until the Friday of the 11th class week of the semester, a student may withdraw from a course with a grade of "W".

Withdrawal dates for summer are reduced proportionately and published in the class schedule for the appropriate term. Students may withdraw from a short course (i.e. eight class days or fewer) the first class day and the course will be dropped from the student record with no grade assigned. Students must withdraw from a short course of 2 days or fewer the day prior to the first class day and the course will be dropped from the student record with no grade assigned.

Late Withdrawal

After the Friday of the 11th class week or equivalent a student may initiate a withdrawal from a course or the University through a late withdrawal process established by the Registrar and including:

  1. Provisions for withdrawing from the course with a Late Withdrawal by March 15th for the immediately preceding fall semester and October 15th for the immediately preceding spring or summer.
  2. An appeal procedure for denied late withdrawal requests. The appeal shall be submitted to the University not later than one year from the close of the term in which the course was taken.
  3. A non-refundable Late Withdrawal Fee of $25 per late withdrawal credit requested with a maximum of $100 per occurrence. The Registrar may waive the Late Withdrawal Fee when circumstances warrant in accordance with criteria that include but are not necessarily limited to timely initiation of the request to withdraw, documented health matters corroborated by the University Health Service, withdrawal pursuant to another Internal Governing Policy, and never having attended or participated in the course.

The Registrar will consider late withdrawal requests and render a decision. Late Withdrawal requests denied by the Registrar may be appealed to the Late Withdrawal Appeal Committee.

Late Withdrawal Appeal Committee

The Provost shall appoint a Late Withdrawal Appeal Committee whose decision is final and not subject to further appeal.

Withdrawal From the University

Rules governing grading practices upon withdrawal from the University are the same as those listed above for withdrawal from a course.

Withdrawal from the University for Military Service

Policies covering the withdrawal of students from school because of a call to active military duty are covered under a separate policy. See IGP #95 Student Withdrawal for Military Service.

Withdrawal From the University for Medical Reasons

Upon the written recommendation of a licensed physician or a licensed mental health professional, and with the concurrence of the University Health Service, or the University Counseling Center, a student may be granted permission to officially withdraw from courses or from the University at a later date than specified above.

Involuntary Withdrawal for Psychological Reasons

See IGP #63 Mandatory Withdrawal for Health or Safety Concerns.

Student Death

Upon the death of a student, the Registrar shall be responsible for notifying the appropriate instructors.

The Registrar shall be responsible for seeing that appropriate grades are recorded and that appropriate tuition and fees are refunded.


Tuition and Mandatory Fees

The term "refund" is defined as the cancellation of an unpaid obligation and charges as well as an actual refund of an amount previously paid.

Except for Scholarship Awards, students may initiate requests for refunds of tuition and mandatory fees no later than the end of the 11th week (or equivalent time for terms other than fall or spring) of the term for which the refund is requested.

Appeals of denials of such requests may be made to the Late Withdrawal Appeal Committee up to one year after the close of the term during which the course was taken. Appeals for denials of scholarship awards and housing fees may be made to the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Financial considerations pursuant to this policy include:

  1. Withdrawals from the University
  2. Ineligible Enrollment Status
  3. Reductions in Load
  4. Equal or Better Insurance Coverage

University regulations provide the following additional policies:

  1. Insurance Fee. The insurance fee will not be refunded unless a written request is made to the Financial Aid Office before the tenth day of classes of a given fall or spring semester or the fifth day of the summer term. To receive a refund the student must provide documentation attesting to equal or better insurance coverage. If the insurance fee is refunded, no claims shall be paid by the University.
  2. Enrollment Cancellation or Withdrawal. A student who has registered and officially withdraws from the University in accordance with established University procedures on or before the tenth day of regularly scheduled classes shall receive a refund of all tuition and mandatory fees, including the insurance fee. If the insurance fee is refunded, no claims shall be paid by the University. A student who officially withdraws from the University in accordance with established University procedures after the tenth day but before the pro rata period, shall receive a pro rata refund of all tuition and mandatory fees up to a maximum percentage defined by the federal financial aid refund regulations (except insurance which is non-refundable). The pro rata percentage is based upon the amount of time the student attended that term.

Student Death

The estate of a student deceased during the course of a semester or term may receive a refund of tuition and mandatory fees. If the student has filed a health insurance claim, tuition and mandatory program and service fees, except the health insurance fee, may be refunded. If the student has received federal financial aid for the term, there may be a full or partial refund depending upon circumstances and state federal regulations.


A student may receive a refund of tuition and mandatory fees upon submission of medical and/or psychological evidence that student's condition precluded any or a portion of their class attendance at the University. See also IGP #63, Mandatory Withdrawal for Health or Safety Concerns. If the student has filed a health insurance claim, tuition and mandatory fees, except the health insurance fee, may be refunded in part or in whole. If the student has received federal financial aid for the term, there may be a full or partial refund of tuition and mandatory fees depending upon the timing of the withdrawal, University policy, and state and federal regulations. 

Special Fees

Room and Board Charges

All housing payments are refunded if a student is not admitted to the University.

Students who cancel their contracts and move from the residence halls and do not officially withdraw from the University shall be responsible for the entire year's residence hall payments.

Students expelled from the residence halls for disciplinary reasons under the provisions of the Student Conduct Code shall be responsible for the full room charges for the year and for board charges through the week in which the student leaves the hall.

Room rent is not refundable except for reasons stated above or in the residence hall contract. A student who withdraws from the University during a term will be charged room rent for the term. Board is refunded from the end of the week in which the student leaves the residence hall and the University.

Miscellaneous Fees and Charges

No refund of any miscellaneous fee or charge other than those listed below shall be considered. No refunds will be made for amounts less than $1.00, and the money shall become the property of the University.

  1. Breakage and Usage Fees. A refund shall be made of the amount not used for actual breakage and/or usage after completion of the course.
  2. Housing Security Deposit. The security deposit shall be refunded upon written request and in accordance with the terms of the residence hall contract. 
  3. Physical Education Clothing and Towel Rental Policy. Deposits will be refunded anytime during the term (through the last day of final examinations) upon return of the clothing and clearance of card by equipment room attendant. 
  4. Duplicate or Overpayments. Refunds will be made in cases of duplicate payments or overpayments. 
  5. Course Fees. Course fees are refunded under the same policies for tuition and mandatory fees.

Medical Leaves of Absence and Short Term Health Related Academic Accommodations

To apply for a medical leave or a related accommodation, students are required to contact the Office of the Registrar to complete the required forms. Please note, all requests for a medical leave require medical documentation that will be reviewed by Health and Counseling Services. Individuals seeking a formal accommodation should include a summary of their requested accommodation(s)?such as dedicated seating on the aisle, access to food in class, and so on for review and approval by the Health and Counseling Services and faculty members. Students are also encouraged to work informally with their instructor(s) to implement classroom or course specific adjustments, where possible.

Upon the written recommendation of a treatment provider, and with the concurrence of the Health and Counseling Services, a student may be granted a medical leave of absence for a major medical and/or mental health issue, procedure, pregnancy, and/or pregnancy related conditions that prevents campus-based activities for a significant period of instructional time. Students who are approved for a medical leave will be eligible to receive an incomplete in all courses for the current semester of registration, as well as appropriate academic support and reasonable accommodations that may be needed to complete the coursework within one calendar year from the initial leave date. Faculty will be notified when a student request for a temporary accommodation as a result of a documented medical issue including pregnancy or a pregnancy related condition has been approved and the student will work with their instructor to develop an accommodation plan. Individuals requesting a leave are not eligible for a full or partial refund of tuition, mandatory fees, and/or associated course charges.

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