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EIU Office of Internal Auditing

#54 - Library Circulation

Approved: January 5, 2009

Nomenclature changes: January 13, 2025

Monitor: Vice President for Academic Affairs

The University Library shall provide books and materials to all members of the University Community according to the following circulation policies.

The Circulation and Building Policy Committee of the Library shall be used in establishing and revising policies. Circulation of books and materials shall be the responsibility of the various units within the library. Exceptions to these policies may be authorized by the unit head or the Dean of Library Services.

The following user groups shall have the privilege to borrow and access physical library books and materials:

  • EIU students enrolled for a current or future term.
  • EIU employees. Contract employees must be on active status.
  • EIU retired employees assigned an Annuitant card.
  • Visiting Scholars, Visiting Artists, and Research Scholars recognized by Academic Affairs who have been granted privileges by the Dean of Library Services.
  • Professional affiliates of EIU recognized by Student Affairs.
  • Patrons in good standing from I-Share CARLI member libraries1 with a valid identification card from their home institution.
  • Libraries that place requests on behalf of their patrons through a recognized Interlibrary Loan network.
  • Lake Land College students.
  • Illinois residents with a valid photo identification who have completed a Community Borrower application.
  • High school students participating in school-sponsored visits to the library may be permitted to borrow limited types of materials under their teachers' supervision using borrower privileges assigned to the school. The school is responsible for any lost or damaged items.

At the discretion of the Dean of Library Services or the Head of Circulation Services, limitations of borrowing privileges may be imposed upon borrowers.

Access to digital materials is determined by the license agreement for each service.

Loan Periods

Loan periods and fees are subject to the review of the Circulation and Building Policy Committee, the Dean of the Library, and the Booth Collaborative Advisory Committee. The current loan periods are posted on Booth Library's website.2

The Library shall retain the option to recall books and materials at any time. Loan periods for items loaned through I-Share are set by the I-Share Resource Sharing Code.3 Loan periods for items obtained from a non-I-Share library are set by the lending library.

The Library sends overdue notices for all library materials. The library may contact patrons about overdue notices as needed. It is the borrower's responsibility to return items on time without depending on overdue notices.

The Library assumes responsibility for library books and materials claimed returned only if the borrower presents a return receipt.

Lost Books and Materials

A fee will be assessed for overdue library materials considered lost.

A table listing the number of days overdue at which an item is assigned lost status is available on the library's website.2 An item may also be put in lost status when it is reported lost by the borrower.

When an item is designated lost, the borrower will be assessed the cost of the lost item or a minimum standard replacement charge (whichever is greater). The current replacement charges are posted on Booth Library's website.

A replacement copy of a lost item, or a comparable item as determined by the Library, may be purchased for the library in lieu of the standard replacement charge, with prior approval.

If an item designated lost is returned or replaced, within a 12-month period, the replacement charge will be waived or refunded.

Lost item fees are reported by the Library to the University Business Office. Charges are added to individuals' accounts, with bills issued according to standard Business Office practices. Charges can be paid using methods approved by the Business Office.

The Library reserves the right to suspend library privileges to patrons who do not respond to fees and charges promptly. Students' university records may be placed on hold until materials have been returned or charges paid.

Faculty members who have had an item checked out and overdue for a period of one semester and have received at least three notices requesting its return may be denied borrowing privileges until the materials are returned or renewed, or they have paid a minimum standards replacement fee or replacement cost of the item (whichever is greater). A replacement copy of a lost item may be purchased for the library in lieu of the minimum standard replacement charge, with prior approval.

The Library reserves the right to refer cases of unreturned materials to the appropriate authorities if they are considered stolen.

Outstanding Overdue Items and Lost Item Fees

Lost item fees will be recorded in students' university accounts. Outstanding fees will result in a hold placed on their academic records until materials are returned or until fees are paid.

All employees who leave University employment must be cleared by the library. All materials must be returned, or fees paid, before the employee's final paycheck is issued.

Any patron may have their borrowing privileges suspended immediately upon the request of another university library in accordance with interlibrary lending agreements, and restored when the patron has been cleared by the university requesting the block.

The Library will follow the I-Share Resource Sharing Code3 when blocking borrower accounts for overdue items or lost items fees on materials borrowed through I-Share.

Damaged Library Materials

Library materials that are damaged to an extent that they are no longer usable will be treated as lost and the borrower will be charged a lost item fee. Damage will be assessed by the Head of Circulation Services or subject librarian for most items. Technicians from Information Technology Services will assess damage to technology equipment.

Losing items from a multi-part set, kit, or game is considered damage.

If rebinding is necessary for a damaged item, the charge to the patron shall be the cost of rebinding.

Damage to equipment will be billed at the costs of parts and labor for repair. Equipment that cannot be repaired will be billed at the cost of replacement.


Reserve items, equipment, interlibrary loan items with restrictions, and special collection items must be returned to the desk from which they were checked out.

Identification Cards

Library users must present their valid University identification card to check out library materials. A current driver's license or government-issued photo identification card can be substituted for the University identification card.

Students checking out materials to a faculty identification number must have a valid University identification card and current proxy patron form on file.

Each patron is responsible for all materials checked out using their identification card unless the card has been reported lost. Individuals who lose their identification card must report the loss at the Circulation Desk immediately to avoid unauthorized use of the card. The Library is not responsible for any materials which may be checked out until the card is reported stolen or lost.

In general, the Panther Card is the EIU-issued identification card. Library users must also comply with Panther Card policies.4

Loan Agreement Forms

Certain library materials, including technology, will be checked out to patrons using a specific loan agreement form. In the case of a separate loan agreement, the provisions in the loan agreement will take precedence over other policies, loan periods, and lost item fees.

BCAC Approval: October 9, 2024

  1. I-Share is the Online Catalog shared by some members of CARLI-The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois

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