Approved: November 4, 1992
Nomenclature changes: July 16, 1997
Monitor: Vice President for Business Affairs
Educational benefits for civil service employees are specified in the Board of Trustees Regulations. The following policies have been established to supplement those regulations.
The total of all waivers for University courses taken during a semester may not collectively exceed the credit hour maxima established by Board Regulations.
In order to be eligible for educational benefits, a status employee must meet one of the following conditions during the semester in which the course work is taken:
must be on pay status, or
must be on layoff during the summer or during an academic break, or
must have a minimum of three years of continuous University service if on approved leave of absence without pay.
While on such leave, waivers shall be approved for no more than one semester in any three-year period of employment.
For purposes of this policy, an academic term is defined as the fall semester, spring semester, or the entire summer period taken collectively, which consists of intersession, five-week session, or eight-week session.
A Tuition and Fee Waiver Request must be completed and approved prior to the academic term in which the course work is to be taken. Requests must be approved by the immediate supervisor, the appropriate Dean or Director and the Department of Human Resources.
Supervisors are encouraged to grant employees time off to take courses if the scheduling of courses does not interfere with the efficient execution of the employee's regular University duties.
The Benefits Office shall be responsible for reviewing the fee waiver list from the Office of Financial Aid and certifying the eligibility of employees.
Tuition and fee waivers may be granted for job-related courses as outlined in the Board Regulations and as specified above.
A job-related course is defined as one which is specifically related to the duties of the employee and is part of a training program which has been approved by the supervisor, the appropriate Dean or Director and Vice President. The Vice President shall be responsible for determining if a request is job-related upon the recommendation of the Department of Human Resources.
An employee shall be granted time off from work to attend a job-related course that meets during the employee's working hours without being required to make up the time, whether the course is audited or taken for credit.