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EIU Office of Internal Auditing

#19 - University Hours of Operation, Building Schedules, and Flex Scheduling

Approved: July 24, 2023

Monitor: Vice President for Business Affairs

Hours of Operation

The University operations and those offices providing services to the general public and students shall be open between 8:00 AM and 4:30PM. Those offices which provide services to students and to the general public should remain open during the noon hour if staffing can be arranged and if the need is identified. Authority for establishing noon hour office schedules shall rest with the appropriate vice president.

Building Schedule

The Vice President of Business Affairs is responsible for maintaining building schedules and will publish the schedule to the campus community online.

Flex Scheduling for Non-Negotiated Employees

To meet the needs of our students, the general public, and support the needs of employees, the University recognizes that flex scheduling may be needed. Flex scheduling provides for flexibility on start and end times for hourly and exempt employees. In the case of negotiated employee groups, the collective bargaining agreement governs scheduling.

Supervisors may develop flex schedules based on the factors outlined below:

  1. Offices must be open normal hours with sufficient coverage during work shift hours between 8:00AM and 4:30PM
    • To meet the needs of the public and students it may be necessary to extend office hours beyond 4:30PM.
  2. All employees are to work 37.5 hour days per work week, ordinarily Monday through Friday, unless approved as leave by their supervisor and vice president per existing policies.
  3. Flex time schedules are not to be altered on a daily or weekly basis, unless required by departmental needs at the supervisor's direction.
  4. Summer hours (Monday through Thursday 7AM to 4:30PM and Friday 8AM to 12:00PM) will begin first Friday following commencement in May and end on the second Friday of August. During weeks with University approved holidays (scheduled as 7.5 hours), public facing offices will close at noon on Friday and employees, in consultation with their supervisor, may deploy approved leave or develop a flex schedule for the holiday week to ensure the required 37.5 hours of service has been completed.

Effective Oct. 1, 2023

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