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EIU Office of Internal Auditing

#161 - University Fleet and Vehicle Services

Approved: June 17, 1998

Nomenclature changes: April 22, 2024

Monitor: Vice President for Business Affairs


This policy is established to govern the use of University vehicles. The University owns and provides vehicles for employee use for official University business. There are two types of vehicles - those assigned to departments and those that are part of the University Motor Pool.

In all University vehicles, drivers should obey the law. Smoking and vaping are prohibited. The use of radar or laser detection devices is prohibited. Personal use of a university vehicle is prohibited. Drivers that cannot provide a valid driver's license and proof of insurance will not be allowed to drive any University vehicle.

University Motor Pool

Employees on official University business must use a vehicle from the University's fleet unless a fleet vehicle is not available or with an exception from the Motor Pool.

When reserving the vehicle, all drivers are required to provide a valid driver's license and proof of insurance to the Motor Pool office. Passengers are limited to employees, students, and official guests of the University, as determined by the Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs.

The Motor Pool has the authority to establish and publish operating rules and rates for fleet vehicle usage. Drivers are responsible for following the established rules for vehicle operation. Those rules are available on the Facilities Planning & Management web site or within this policy. Fleet rates will be developed annually and provided to the campus by April 1 for implementation the beginning of the following fiscal year.

Vehicles are assigned on an as-available basis, except for priority assignments. Priority is given to departments that have off-campus instructional programs and activities and Admissions. Priority users may bump other users from vehicles with a minimum of seventy-two hour notice. Bumped users may contract with an external vehicle supplier without Motor Pool approval. The Motor Pool has the authority to limit the use of vehicles for any reason.

Drivers must contact the Motor Pool before incurring any costs relating to a fleet vehicle. Credit cards are available from the Motor Pool for the purchase of fuel when away from the local area. Drivers are responsible for immediately notifying the Motor Pool if a credit card is lost or stolen.

Department Assigned Vehicles

Departments may have vehicles assigned to them for department-specific purposes. Employees driving the vehicles should provide their department head with a copy of their driver's license and proof of insurance before driving a university-owned vehicle. The department director or their designee should maintain records of employees authorized to drive each department-assigned vehicle. The department director is responsible for maintaining the vehicle according to guidelines developed by the Motor Pool. The cost for maintaining the vehicle is paid from the department's budget.

Courtesy Vehicles

The Athletic Director is responsible for notifying the Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs of any courtesy vehicle and ensuring the vehicle has appropriate insurance prior to accepting the vehicle from the dealership. All drivers must provide a copy of their driver's license and proof of insurance to the Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs prior to being assigned a courtesy vehicle and each fiscal year thereafter. University-provided insurance covers the driver when on official University business. Insurance for any other use is the responsibility of the driver to which the vehicle is assigned. The Athletic Director is also responsible for providing mileage reports to the Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs in a timely manner after each quarter.

Accidents and Insurance

Drivers of University vehicles on official University business are covered by State of Illinois and University insurance. All accidents must be reported in accordance with Illinois law, or the law of the local jurisdiction if the accident occurs out-of-state. Drivers should attempt to obtain a copy of the accident report. Drivers are required to report all accidents to the Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs and complete all required paperwork within seven (7) days after the accident.

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