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EIU Office of Internal Auditing

#159 - Parking and Vehicle Control

Approved: August 28, 2017

Monitor: Vice President for Student Affairs

The following policy has been adopted for control of vehicles on the campus of Eastern Illinois University in order to promote the safety and convenience of faculty, staff, students, and visitors, and to facilitate the general operation of the University. This policy is established to insure the maintenance, control and maximum equitable use of parking facilities and shall apply to all property owned and/or controlled by the University.

The Board of Trustees delegates to the administration of the University authority to prescribe parking areas on campus, change the designation of parking areas as necessary, appoint members of the Hearing Board, and to adopt hearing and appeal procedures compatible with established regulations.

Officers of the University Police Department have the authority and power of peace officers for the protection of property under the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees and the University, and the prevention of trespass, the maintenance of peace and order, and the enforcement of regulations controlling vehicles on that property.

All fees collected for parking permits and for sanctions shall be devoted to defraying the costs associated with registration and parking activities and costs associated with the establishment and maintenance of parking lots, with the exception of special event parking revenues as approved by the President.


It is the responsibility of each member of the University community to read, understand, and abide by the established PARKING AND VEHICLE CONTROL REGULATIONS. These regulations are approved by the President's Council and available at the University Police Department.

Parking Advisory Committee

The University Parking Advisory Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity on an as needed basis and shall make recommendations to the Vice President for Student Affairs. The committee shall consist of the following members:

2 members from Faculty Senate (two-year term) and 1 Alternate Member

1 member from Student Senate (one-year term)

1 member (Graduate Student) appointed by the Graduate Studies Advisory Council (one-year term)

1 member appointed by Student Senate (one-year term) to represent off-campus students. This person must commute to campus or live off campus.

1 member from Residence Hall Association (one-year term)

2 members from Staff Senate (at least 1 Civil Service) (two-year term)

1 member from Student Affairs Staff

1 member from Business Affairs Staff

1 member from Academic Affairs Staff


Facilities Planning and Management Liaison for Parking

Police Lieutenant

Director, Human Resources/ADA Coordinator

Assistant Director, Disability Services

Chair: University Police Chief

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