Approved: March 28, 2007
Nomenclature changes: August 12, 2024
Monitor: Vice President for Student Affairs
Students have the right to freedom of speech, peaceable assembly, petition and association which is accorded to all persons by the Constitution. Students and student organizations may examine and discuss all questions of interest to them and express opinion publicly as well as privately. They may support causes by lawful means which do not disrupt the operations of the University or the operations of organizations authorized to use University facilities.
When an activity first occurs which interferes with the academic or operational functions of the University, every attempt shall be made to resolve the matter through voluntary compliance, cooperation, and the exercise of restraint by all parties concerned. If the disruptive activity continues, the Vice President for Student Affairs shall take the following steps.
A. The following areas have been established for the possible use of amplified sound:
1. the athletic facilities and areas adjacent to athletic facilities;
2. the areas outside and at least 50 feet away from the residence halls;
3. 50 feet away from buildings in the Library Quad (except under the Doudna overhang);
B. Amplified sound is prohibited when it disrupts University educational activities and/or University business. If amplified sound disrupts University educational activities and/or University business, campus officials (including advisors, employees, event organizers and the University Police Department) may require the sound level to be lowered at any time, regardless of whether the application has been approved and/or requirements are being met.
C. Outdoor amplification of sound may not start before 8:00 a.m. on any day and must conclude by 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, midnight on Friday and/or Saturday evenings.
D. Sound amplification approval is not required for classes held in their regularly scheduled classroom, indoor performance venues (such as the University Union or Doudna Fine Arts Center), or regularly scheduled athletic events. However, these events will still be subject to the other requirements/guidelines of this policy and any other applicable University policy and procedures.
E. The organization sponsoring the event is responsible for ensuring that all University policies and procedures are followed.
F. No sound amplification will be allowed in outdoor areas after midnight.
G. Exceptions to sound amplification may be granted to the place and/or time restrictions of this policy in certain cases. Typical exceptions to this sound amplification policy have included Pantherpalooza, Welcome Weekend activities, Homecoming, and Spring Fling. However, any organizations sponsoring these events must follow the approval process outlined above.