#139 - Overtime Labor and Security Charges for Scheduled Activities
Approved: May 10, 1989
Nomenclature changes: July 16, 1997
Monitor: Vice President for Business Affairs
Sponsoring departments or organizations shall be billed for overtime security and labor charges incurred in conjunction with a scheduled activity, with the following exceptions:
- With every effort being made to keep overtime costs to a minimum, the University shall assume reasonable overtime labor and security costs incurred in conjunction with the principal and regular activities associated with the following designated official events. From time to time, specific activities related to these events may be included or excluded from the list by the President.
a. Commencements
b. Homecoming (parade, football game, University Union activities)
c. Family Weekend (football game, concert, University Union activities)
d. Regularly scheduled athletic events
Requests for overtime required beyond that normally associated with these events must be authorized, in advance, by the department providing the workers.
- Overtime security and labor costs associated with activities brought to the campus under a contract signed by the President, Vice President for Business Affairs, or Treasurer of the University shall be charged according to the terms of the contract. Overtime costs not specified in the contract shall not be assumed by the University unless they result from specific requests made by the sponsors or users which have been approved beyond the limits of the contract.
- Sponsoring organizations and departments shall not be liable for overtime charges not made known to them prior to incurring the cost.
- For activities sponsored by University organizations and where practical, the University shall seek to accommodate labor requirements at times when overtime costs are not involved, if agreed to in advance by the President or Vice President of the area(s) providing such service.
- Overtime charges shall be made at the established rate.
- Requests for overtime labor shall be made by the Director of Campus Scheduling.