Approved: March 8, 1989
Nomenclature changes: July 16, 1997
Monitor: Vice President for Business Affairs
The University shall provide a centralized handling of United States and campus mail within the following guidelines.
Daily pick-up and delivery services shall be provided for all departments and offices.
United States mail and campus mail shall be kept separate at pick-up points.
Campus mail shall be sent in green or manila envelopes only and shall show the full name and department of the addressee.
Mail accepted for delivery by the Mail Room shall include the following:
Mail not accepted for delivery by the Mail Room shall include the following:
Unstamped United States mail must have an approved budget account number on the upper left corner to be processed by the Mail Department.
Sealed, unstamped United States mail with no return address shall be turned over to the United States Post Office for disposition.
Because of the high cost of postage, departments or offices should consider pre-sort first-, second- or third-class mail if over 200 pieces of like material are to be mailed.
Information concerning class of mail and instructions regarding packaging for mailing can be obtained from the Mail Room.
Mailings of two hundred or more pieces of identical size and weight which are to be processed through the University Mail Room at the bulk rate shall be accompanied by a completed Bulk Mailing Form.
Postage costs associated with self-supporting program shall be funded through the individual program budget and not through the appropriated budget.