Approved: April 27, 2020
Nomenclature changes: May 28, 2024
Monitor: Vice President for Academic Affairs
Course charges are defined as amounts to be paid by students for supplies, materials, or other instructional expenses of a course (or course section) or program which are directly related to student participation and which may vary in amount from one student to another. Examples: materials used for class projects which the student retains; materials which are used, broken, or destroyed; cost of maintenance of supplies such as towels/laundry; transportation expenses for field trips; and instructional equipment for use in labs (including dedicated instructional computer labs within academic departments) or studios by students. Instructional equipment is limited to single unit costs of less than $2500 and all purchase requests need to be approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Students shall be notified in the online schedule for registration which courses have approved course charges and the amount of the course charges.
Course charges shall be assessed, or discontinued, only upon the approval of the President. Course charges shall not be approved for general instructional materials such as course syllabi and examination materials. Course charges will be assessed for all scheduled sections of courses with an approved course fee provided that a department may elect prior to the commencement of registration not to assess or to reduce a course fee for a specific section.
All requests for new course charges and all requests for ongoing changes in existing course charges must be submitted to the Provost by December 1 and to the President for consideration by February 1, and generally will be effective with the succeeding Fall Semester. Fees and charges are considered annually. Interim consideration may be made only in exceptional emergency situations.
Funds collected as course charges shall be expended directly or indirectly related to the purpose for which the charge was authorized.
Course charge funds shall be deposited into a separate account.
All course charges shall be reviewed annually by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Department chairs are responsible for maintaining records showing that the course charges were used within the course for which they were charged.
Course charges should be used in the course section for which they are charged to benefit the student's learning experience. If a course charge is intended to help cover equipment used in labs, the unobligated balance at the end of the fiscal year will be transferred to an equipment reserve restricted for that purpose. Any other unobligated course charges will be transferred to the Income Fund at the end of each fiscal year.
The repository of record for charges approved by the President shall be in the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.