Approved: August 7, 1996
Nomenclature changes: December 13, 2001
Monitor: Vice President for Student Affairs
Admission charges for events sponsored by approved student organizations, other than Athletics and the University Board, shall be governed by this policy.
Donations and solicitations are defined as admission charges for the purposes of this policy.
Student organizations may not charge admission for stage concerts without the permission of the Director of Student Life. Permission for concert sponsorship shall be granted only to the University Board except under very unusual circumstances.
Approval of the Director of Student Life is required for any approved student organization to make any charge for people to attend an event. Requests shall be considered under the following conditions:
Having received permission to charge admission, the organization must supply complete financial information, on request. The information shall include: (a) gross amount collected, (b) itemized expenses, and (c) uses of unexpended profit.
If a recognized student organization intends to sell products or solicit donations at a public meeting held in University facilities, permission must be secured from the Director of Student Life. Financial information must be supplied upon request similar to that required for an event at which admission is charged.