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EIU Office of Internal Auditing

#114 - Business Expenses

Approved: September 21, 1988

Nomenclature changes: July 16, 1997

Monitor: Vice President for Business Affairs

The University provides funds for reasonable expenses associated with official business activities of the University. This policy pertains to payments made directly to suppliers of goods/services and to reimbursements to faculty or staff for out-of-pocket expenditures.

Expenditures may be made from University appropriated or non-appropriated funds or from University Related Organization funds. Such expenditures must be related to the purpose of the account from which they are made.

University Funds

Following are functions for which reasonable business expenses paid from University funds are allowed:

  1. Travel - Expenses associated with official travel by University employees (See Travel Policy)
  2. Candidates - Expenses associated with candidate interviews (See Interview Expense Payments)
  3. Recruitment of Faculty and Staff - Actual and reasonable expenses associated with the recruitment of faculty and staff. Meals purchased in connection with faculty or staff recruitment activities on campus (See Business Expense Reimbursement for Food Purchases)
  4. Guests of the University - Actual and reasonable expenses for transportation, meals, and/or lodging of official guests of the University when approved by a Dean, Director or Vice President. (For meal purchases see Business Expense Reimbursement for Food Purchases)
  5. Receptions for Students, Faculty or Staff - Actual and reasonable expenses. (For food, excluding alcoholic beverages, see Business Expense Reimbursement for Food Purchases)
  6. University-sponsored Meetings and Events - Actual and reasonable expenses associated with University-sponsored meetings and events held on campus or off campus when approved in advance by a Dean or Director. Purchase of meals requires the advance approval of the appropriate Vice President.
  7. Staff Development - Actual and reasonable costs associated with staff development activities (e.g., workshops, seminars, classes, retreats, guests speakers) are allowable with approval of the Dean or Director and the appropriate Vice President. Such costs are payable from funds available within the Department or College.
  8. Entertainment - The President, Vice Presidents, and Deans or Directors, by virtue of office, are called upon to host various departmental or unit gatherings. Actual and reasonable expenses including food and non-alcoholic beverages associated with such gatherings may be paid upon approval by the appropriate Vice President.
  9. Other - Expenditures for actual and reasonable expenses not listed above may be approved by the appropriate Vice President.

University Related Organization Funds

Payment of business expenses associated with institutional advancement and development, including actual and reasonable expenses of fund raising activities, shall be made from University Related Organization funds, primarily the Eastern Illinois University Foundation.

Such funds may be expended directly by the University Related Organization for the benefit of the University or funds may be transferred to the University by the University Related Organization and subsequently expended.

All such expenditures shall be made in accordance with Board of Trustees Regulations.

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