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EIU Assessment

Program Assessment

Student Learning Outcomes

Each academic department maintains responsibility for the assessment of student learning in all programs and courses offered by that department. As part of this process, programs are expected to:

  • Design a clear and understandable plan to assess student learning
  • Collect and interpret information relative to students' ability to meet the learning goals and objectives
  • Provide feedback to students and other stakeholders
  • Devise means of improving student learning that are linked to strategic planning and budgeting processes
  • Gather, interpret, and use evidence related to student learning from the foundation of this process

Assessment activities of several types occur across the curriculum. Primary importance is placed on providing students with the opportunity to actively demonstrate their knowledge and abilities through internships, practica, research projects, exhibitions, performances, and so on. Other assessment activities include portfolios, standardized examinations, and surveys of students, alumni, employers, and other stakeholders. Information generated by these activities is shared with curriculum councils and other appropriate groups and is used to improve courses, programs, and services as well as to provide data for externally mandated reports.

Student Learning Outcomes Reports

College of Education

College of Health & Human Services

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Lumpkin College of Business & Technology


Click here for information on how to submit student learning outcomes reports.


Accredited Programs


IBHE Program Review


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