At EIU Art Education, we are proudly committed to equipping tomorrow’s teachers with contemporary knowledge, transformational experiences, and a community of peers and faculty that share a love of art and teaching.
In our program, you will be challenged to reach your highest potential, and to develop your own voice and practice as an artist and educator. Art Education’s home in the Doudna Fine Arts Center and Tarble Art Center provide state of the art facilities for world-class faculty and students.
"EIU Art Education has given me not only knowledge, but multiple experiences with networking. By having opportunities to present at state and national conferences, I have been able to develop and maintain relationships with many great and aspiring art educators throughout our nation. Along with the conferences and networking opportunities, I have developed lasting professional relationships within our program."
Kelsey Thrush (BFA Art Education ‘17)"Coming to EIU has been an incredible experience for me. The Art Education program has helped push me out of my comfort zone and encouraged to grow in my independence and responsibility. I have never once felt alone through it all. My professors and classmates have become my Art Ed family. This means when the going gets tough, I can look to the side and know my classmates are there to encourage me and not let me quit, and my professors want the absolute best for me."
Jordyn Nettleton (BFA Art Education ‘17)"The professors in art education are dedicated to ensuring that we are aware of and are learning the newest, research-based findings in education. We are no longer structuring lessons in order for students to learn how to use a specific medium, we are instead learning how to use the art project as a vehicle for meaning. We learn to think, “What do I want my students to know when they walk out of my classroom at the end of the year, apart from drawing, painting, sculpture, etc. How can I use all of those things to provide the means by which my students explore and learn about life?”"
Jennifer Barks (BFA Art Education ‘17)"The Art Education program at Eastern truly prepares you for the future. The atmosphere here pushes you to do big things, which require hard work, but the best part is that you want and are excited to do it. It is all because you feel confident in what you are learning and know how special the opportunities offered to you are. I can confidently say that I have no fears about my future, knowing I have a resume that will make me stand out wherever I go, as well as the knowledge and mindset to take on any challenge and/or opportunity that comes my way. The Art Department here is a true hidden gem if you are looking for a valuable art education experience.”
Enrika Stulpinaite (BFA Art Education ‘17)