The Department of Art + Design offers the following scholarships and awards for incoming freshmen:
Entering full-time freshmen and transfer students declaring Art as their major are eligible to apply for numerous awards for the upcoming academic year. Once you submit your Department of Art + Design Scholarship application and portfolio, you will be considered for all awards that you are eligible to receive.
If you have questions please contact the Department Chair at:
Scholarships play a vital role in making higher education more affordable and accessible to students and their families. That’s why we created our easy-to-use EIU Scholarship Search, which helps you explore all the scholarship and award opportunities available at Eastern. Admitted students can log in and see more personalized scholarship information based on their academic profile. If you have any questions about the EIU Scholarship Search site, please contact Mallorie Fonseca, at 217-581- 6405 or
Doudna Fine Arts Center
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920