David G. Martin David G. Martin Chair of the School of Business dmartin3@eiu.edu 217-581-2627
4025 Lumpkin Hall
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Candra Chahyadi Candra Chahyadi Professor of Finance cchahyadi@eiu.edu 217-581-6367
3016 Lumpkin Hall
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Ingyu Chiou Ingyu Chiou Professor ichiou@eiu.edu 217-581-6036
3018 Lumpkin Hall
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Trang Doan Trang Doan Assistant Professor of Finance tdoan@eiu.edu View Profile
Crystal Lin Crystal Lin Professor cylin@eiu.edu 217-581-2227
3026 Lumpkin Hall
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Douglas A. ZuHone Douglas A. ZuHone Instructor dazuhone@eiu.edu 217-581-6930
3024 Lumpkin Hall
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