Dr. Newton Key
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Dr. Newton Key

Distinguished History Professor Emeritus Email: nekey@eiu.edu


I taught history at Eastern Illinois University 1989-2021, where I was also Director of the Faculty Development and Innovation Center 2016-2021 (and helped begin the Center for Student Innovation), and am now Distinguished Professor Emeritus. I have published on feasting, plotting, gossiping, preaching, politicking, printing, and historical thinking in the early modern period, particularly England and Wales, Ireland, and Scotland (links to more recent works provided). I have co-authored a best-selling text on Early Modern England (3rd ed, 2020), and co-edited an accompanying sourcebook (2nd ed, 2009). Current projects are on late-Stuart plotting, sermonizing, and scandal, and the roots of modern detectives.

Check out my students' award-winning work. Past syllabi are available online (most enhanced). I continue to follow the exciting current and future work of EIU's FDIC and the CSI in Booth Library.
