Dr. Laurel Teller
Education & Training Frequently Taught Courses Research & Creative Interests Professional Affiliations Publications Conference Presentations

Dr. Laurel Teller

Assistant Professor Office: 2307 - Human Services Building
Phone: 217-581-7451
Phone: 217-581-7451
Email: lteller@eiu.edu

Education & Training

Ph.D., Hearing and Speech Sciences, Vanderbilt University, 2020

M.A., Speech-Language Pathology, Indiana University, 2010

B.S., Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Andrews University, 2008

B.A., Spanish Studies, Andrews University, 2008

Frequently Taught Courses

CDS 2200 Language Acquisition

CDS 3500 Neurological/Embryological Aspects of Communication

CDS 3666 Honors Research Seminar

CDS 5000 Research Methods

CDS 5001 Research Experience

CDS 5900 Clinical Practice 


Research & Creative Interests

Child Language and Literacy Assessment and Intervention

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Professional Affiliations

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association

International Association for the Study of Child Language


Teller, L., & Schuele, C. M. (2024). Preschool teacher complex syntax input: A single case investigation of increasing complement clauses in play interactions. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 40(2), 139-158.

Cameron, L., Teller, L., Throneburg, R., Mulvey, N., & Fahy, J. (2024). A 10-Year retrospective case study of the relation between four summative assessment measures in a graduate speech-language pathology program. Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders.

Teller, L., & Schuele, C. M. (2024). Preschool teacher complex syntax input: A single case investigation of increasing complement clauses in play interactions. Child Language Teaching and Therapy.

Teller, L., McDaniel, J., Schuele, C. M., & Brame, C. J. (2022). The Blended and Online Learning Design Fellows Program: Developing Teacher-Researchers in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders.

Conference Presentations

*Presentations with students.

Throneburg, R., Mulvey, N., Cameron, L., Teller, L., & Fahy, J. (2024). Varied summative assessment and the praxis: Results from a 10-year retrospective program study. Presentation at the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders, New Orleans, LA.

*Pyle, E., Hahndorf, M., & Teller, L. (2024, February). Effects of a brief student-led presentation on increasing preprofessional students’ knowledge of bilingualism in children. Poster presented at the Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference, Rosemont, IL.

*Schug, N., & Teller, L. (2023, November). Effectiveness of a Heggerty Curriculum adaptation on the phonemic awareness skills of a bilingual kindergartener. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA. 

*Gharst, E., & Teller, L. (2023, April). Syntactic production in typically developing children and late talkers. Poster presented at the Student Research and Creative Activity Conference, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL.

*Goodmanson, S., & Teller, L. (2023, April). What are the options? An Evaluation of Mandarin Language Assessments. Poster presented at the Student Research and Creative Activity Conference, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL.

*Pyle, E., Hahndorf, M., & Teller, L. (2023, April). Effects of a Brief Student-Led Presentation on Increasing Preprofessional Students’ Knowledge of Bilingualism in Children. Poster presented at the Student Research and Creative Activity Conference, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL.

Teller, L. & Schuele, C. M. (2021, July). Capturing complex syntax development: Comparing children with typical and atypical language. Poster presented at the Virtual 2021 International Association for the Study of Child Language Conference.

*Conrady, C., & Teller, L. (2021, March). Effect of online learning modules on sound segmentation in preprofessional instruction. Poster presented at the Student Research and Creative Activity Conference, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL.

*Neece, B., & Teller, L. (2021, March). Generalization in speech sound disorders: Research and practice. Poster presented at the Student Research and Creative Activity Conference, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL.