Dr. Karen Swenson

Dr. Karen Swenson

Department Chair, Professor, and Pre-Law Coordinator, Political Science Office: 2321 - Coleman Hall
Email: kbswenson@eiu.edu
Website: http://www.eiu.edu/prelaw/


Dr. Swenson (J.D. Vanderbilt University; Ph.D. Ohio State) teaches courses in constitutional law and judicial politics, including courses on Criminal Law and Civil Liberties in America. Her research interests focus on politics and the legal process. Professor Swenson's recent publications include “President Obama’s Policy Agenda in the Supreme Court: What We Know So Far From the Office of the Solicitor General’s Service as Amicus Curiae.” Southern Illinois University Law Journal. Vol 34 (Winter 2010). Her current research agenda further examines the nature of amicus curiae participation before the Supreme Court. Recently, she published an article in the Justice System Journal entitled “Amicus Curiae Briefs and the Court: When Liberal and Conservative Groups Support the Same Party.” Dr. Swenson also the university's Pre-Law Advisor and enjoys coaching the Moot Court teams. As a member of the Board of Directors of MAPLA (the Midwest Association of Pre-Law Advisors), Swenson has visited numerous law schools and can offer tailored advice about which are a good fit for her advisees. 

Fall 2020 Office Hours

  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday  2-3:30 pm, and by appointment
  • Students: please email kbswenson@eiu.edu to set up a virtual Teams meeting. If we must meet in person for more than 5 minutes, we will relocate outdoors or in an unused classroom.

Fall 2020 Schedule

  • PLS 3523, Criminal Law, MWF 1:00-2:30, hybrid
  • PLS 2513, Moot Court, TR 3:30-4:20, hybrid
  • PLS 4774, Constitutional Law, TR 12:30-1:45, hybrid