Dr. Jeannie Ludlow (she/her)
Introduction Education & Training Conference Presentations Community Publications Frequently Taught Courses Research & Creative Interests Professional Affiliations

Dr. Jeannie Ludlow (she/her)

Professor of English; Director, Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Office: 3139 - Coleman Hall
Email: jludlow@eiu.edu
Website: https://www.eiu.edu/women/


Fall 2024 office hours: 

MW 1-3 pm in Coleman 3139; F 1-3 pm on zoom











Education & Training

Ph.D. American Culture Studies, Bowling Green State University, Ohio
M.A. English Literature, Bowling Green State University, Ohio






Conference Presentations

“Follow the Science, There IS Evidence for GOD: the Religious DNA of Antiabortion,” accepted for the Popular Culture and American Culture Association Conference, Chicago, IL, Mar. 27-30, 2024

“Surplus Violence and Feminist Resistance: Roundtable” proposed with Modhumita Roy, accepted for the Northeast MLA conference, Boston, MA, Mar. 7-10, 2024

“Impossible Motherhood(s): Pregnancy, Abortion, and Genealogies of Colonization in Caribbean Literatures” presented at the Midwest MLA conference, Cincinnati, OH, Nov. 2-5, 2023

“This Clinic Stays Open (for now): Violence and Resistance, Post-Dobbs,” presented at the National Women’s Studies Association conference, Baltimore, MD, Oct. 26-29, 2023











Urbana-Champaign Reproductive Justice (UCRJ), advisory board, 2023-present

Abortion Conversation Project, National Board, 2010-2018, 2021-present

   president, 2021-present






“Vaccinated by the Blood: Antiabortion Mobilization of the COVID Body,” in Envisioning Embodiment in the Health Humanities: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Literature, Culture, and Media, essay collection edited by Jodi Cressman, Lisa M. DeTora, Jeannie Ludlow, Nora Martin Peterson, Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming spring 2024.

“‘No Bigger than a Baby Bird’: Narrating Prochoice Fetal Materiality,” for Abortion in Popular Culture: A Call to Action, edited by Brenda Boudreau and Kelli Maloy, Lexington Press, 2023, pp. 225-50.

“Full Bleed: The Graphic Period at the End of the Menstrual Narrative” in Graphic Perspectives on Health and Embodiment, edited by Jodi Cressman and Lisa DeTora, University of Leuven/Cornell University Press, 2021, pp. 73-83.

“It’s A Boy! borted: Visualizing the Fetus in Abortion Narratives,” in Representing Abortion, edited by Rachel Hurst, Routledge Press, 2021, pp. 49-60.

“Look Like a Provider: Representing the Materiality of the Fetus in Abortion Care Work,” with Lena R. Hann, PhD, in Representing Abortion, edited by Rachel Hurst, Routledge Press, 2021, pp. 119-130.






Frequently Taught Courses

WGS 2309G Intro to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

WGS 4309 Feminist Theories

WGS 4310 Queer Theories

ENG 3705 Multicultural American Literature

ENG 3903B Women and Literature, after 1800






Research & Creative Interests


Reproduction and abortion in literature, art, and culture

Multicultural American Literatures

Native American Literatures

LGBTQ Studies/Queer Theory





Professional Affiliations



National Women’s Studies Association

Northeast Modern Language Association

Popular Culture and American Culture Association

Society for the Study of Narrative Literature

Society for Menstrual Cycle Research

Abortion Care Network (providers’ professional organization)