Dr. Grant C. Sterling
Introduction Education & Training Conference Presentations Publications Frequently Taught Courses Research & Creative Interests Professional Affiliations

Dr. Grant C. Sterling

Professor, Department Chair Office: 3531 - Coleman Hall
Phone: 217-581-8468
Email: gcsterling@eiu.edu


Professor Sterling specializes in Medieval Philosophy (particularly rational theology) and Ethics (particularly ethical theory).  
Office Hours:
MWF: 1pm--2pm

Education & Training

B.A. in Philosophy from Eastern Illinois University, and PhD in Philosophy from the University of Iowa.

Conference Presentations

Professor Sterling has presented papers at numerous professional conferences.  He regularly attends the Illinois Philosophical Association meetings, and the meetings of the Mid-South Philosophy conference.


Dr. Sterling is the author of Ethical Intuitionism and Its Critics (Peter Lang, 1994).

Frequently Taught Courses

In addition to the departmental core curriculum classes, Dr. Sterling regularly teaches PHI 2000 (Ancient Philosophy), PHI 3070 (Philosophy of Law), and PHI 3220 (Medieval Philosophy).

Research & Creative Interests

Dr. Sterling's research currently focuses on issues related to free will and moral responsibility, where he defends a traditional version of libertarianism.

Professional Affiliations

He is a member of the American Philosophical Association, and has served as President of the Illinois Philosophical Association.  He is also active in several Stoic philosophy groups.