Georgia A. Ryan, M.A.

Georgia A. Ryan, M.A.

Administrative Aide Office: 1201 - Human Services
Phone: 217-581-3413


         Georgia is the Administrative Aide for the Health and Counseling Services-Counseling Clinic. She is responsible for checking in students for appointments and group meetings, answering the departmental phone, transferring calls and scheduling counseling appointments, as well as screening new/returning/crisis students. She also collects documentation/answers questions for Medical Withdrawals and is a notary public. She has participated in Booth Library’s Edible Book Contest, has received training in ALICE, Safe Zone, CPR, Mental Health First Aid and was a SACIS volunteer for many years.

      Georgia received a M.A. degree from EIU in Gerontology and has worked at EIU for 15 years, starting in the RN to BS in Nursing Program, then the Office of Belonging, Access and Engagement, then the Medical Clinic. She has been in the Counseling Clinic since May of 2023. She was a part-time faculty member for the EIU Therapeutic Recreation Department and received a Distinguished Alumni Award by EIU’s Department of Leisure Studies. Before EIU, she was a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator, Elder Abuse Case Worker/Supervisor, and a Legal Advocate for Victims of Domestic Violence. She participated in a Study Abroad Program in Mexico City, Mexico, while attending the U of I and lived in Germany with her husband while he was in the US Army. 

     In her free time, she enjoys quilting, crocheting, scrapbooking, taking trails in the woods, baking, reading, leaf identification and spending time with her family and 2 cats, Elsie and Leo. 

     Georgia’s objective in life is to make a difference in her community by improving the lives of individuals in need.