General Education Course Library



General Education Courses Listed by Segment

General Education Mission Statement

Semester Hour Requirements in the General Education Program:

Humanities and Fine Arts

9 hours


9 hours


3 hours

Scientific Awareness

7 hours

Senior Seminar or Study Abroad Capstone

3 hours

Social and Behavioral Sciences

9 hours


40 hours

Students are required to complete a course with a focus on cultural diversity; these courses are marked with an asterisk.

Students following catalogs prior to Fall 2006 must satisfy the constitution requirement.

General Education Courses Required of ALL Teacher Certification Candidates Either as Part of the Above Required 40 s.h.  or in addition to the IAI Core or Transfer General Education:

     A 3 sh Diversity Course or Third World/Non-Western Course

     “C” or better in ENG 1001G, ENG 1002G, CMN 1310G or their equivalents

     “C” or better in 3 sh of college level math

     PLS 1153G or HIS 3600G or an equivalent US Constitution course


Note: Post-baccalaureate Teacher Certification Candidates must meet all general education requirements with the exception of Senior Seminar.

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